
What others are saying

“Campbell is a highly professional practitioner and strategic advisor who works with you to ensure collaborative and mutually beneficial business objectives can be achieved. I have collaborated with Campbell on a few Australian Asian initiatives and he is a truly trusted and respectable business alliance to serve and partner with on business projects.”

Rachael Mah

International Advisor & Corporate Trainer, AusAsia Training & Advisory institute

“During (Campbell’s) time in Indonesia he applied his knowledge, intellect, drive & determination culminating in the geographic expansion of the business. This project he not only conceived, obtained approval for but also implemented in a difficult environment. Campbell with his wide experience particularly in Asia would be a great asset for any business.”

Mike Courtnall

Chairman, AusReo Pty Ltd and Australian Thailand Institute

“Campbell is a highly experienced manager, marketer and strategic advisor to both big and small companies. He pays attention to the small things without ever losing sight of the big picture. He is sincere, trustworthy and very likeable.”

Angela Orsaris

Managing Director, The Market Intelligence Co.

“Campbell has gained my respect and admiration professionally as someone who has excellent credentials and is passionate about delivering growth outcomes. He excels in strategic business planning, market analysis and segmentation in developing the business strategy. He is also level headed, charitable and doesn't mind the odd swing of a golf club. Campbell's experience in the corporate world coupled with running his own business in the Asian markets makes him the ideal person you would want on your side when planning an expansion program.”

Peter Katsos

Director and Principal Consultant, BIS Consulting Pty Ltd

“(Campbell) achieved consistent profit and stability in a changing market. Well rounded in sales, operations and strategy but particularly experienced in systems and processes of financial governance Campbell brings a sense of leadership and responsibility to any organisation.”

John Warner

Managing Director, SureGreen Ltd